Christmas with Eloise.
December 25, 2010
It's been a tough Winter so far even though it wasn't even officially Winter until
last Wednesday. Torrential rains, flooding, very cold, very windy.... none of the
blizzards and deep snow like we used to have in New Hampshire but still..... we have had
a nice day now and then which has been welcome. Good chance to get out and ride
although way too cold to go any distance. But it does keep the battery charged up
and prevents needing to use Stabil in the gas. Probably won't get a chance to do any
real riding for another three months or so. Still, the worst day on a motorcycle
is better than the best day at work.... or being with someone who doesn't like you
very much. We don't have much any more but we value what we have and are truly
grateful. One day at a time....
No tree, no lights, no nuthin' again this year. And this will be our first year
without television so not even any holiday movies... I have a few of the classics
on VHS tape and Hulu has a few so there's always that. Haven't been able to find
Eloise at Christmastime though..
The clan (or at least some of them)....
Center rear: Patches and her friend Bubbles
Back row L-R: Yogurt, Margaret, Eloise (aka The Queen of the Woild®), Gizmo
Second row L-R: Cuddles, RainBear, GingerSon, Saddlebags, Starbuck and Mad Cow
Front L-R: Inspector 21, Piglet, PeckLynn
The Dilligafs in Paradise (Washington)
Also got a card from Sherwood and Pam who are living in Paradise (Honolulu)
Dan and Family
Got a card from President G.W. Bush every year for 8 years.
Nothing from President Obama last year or this year.
Imagine that......
We don't see a white Christmas here in Portland all that often, even up here
in the West Hills. 2008 was very white though... snowed heavily... We have a
white Christmas every once in a blue moon but this is the only time
in 25 years that I can recall it ever snowing on Christmas Day!
On VHS tape I have "It Came Upon The Midnight Clear" and "It's a Wonderful Life".
On Hulu I got to see "It Nearly Wasn't Christmas"
Not exactly the typical year of sitting in front of the fireplace and watching all
the old (and not so old) classics on Direct TV...
Of course things are going to perk right up as soon as President Obama finds me a
job, like I know he's going to. Or as soon as my darling Daughter asks me to come
live with her in Vermont, as I know she's going to. Or as soon as I hit the Lottery.
Any guesses on which of the three is the most likely to happen? Yeah... right..
I have a better chance of getting hit by a bolt of lightning, I know...
When you're all alone in the world you sometimes need to live vicariously through
the experiences of others. And so it is this Christmas.
Meet Cohen, aka Mr. C.
A very nice kid ... and I don't even like kids that much...
But I have to say that he is a very happy little boy. Very mellow and well behaved.
God knows I'll never get to see my own children again
(or my grandchildren or great grandchildren or great, great grandchildren...)
so I guess I need to get my family pleasures where I can.
Below is a picture of Mr. C., his Dad and his Gramma
Hard times, they are a-comin'
And for the most part, there isn't jack I can do about it.
I resolved to enjoy 2010 as much as possible..and I have now done that.
I'll be doing the same during 2011 but if the economy and/or I crash and burn
before this time next year, at least I will have not squandered 2010.
Americans are at the mercy of President Obama and his uber-liberal drunken
Sailors and their free spending. You don't need an MBA to know that the
course we are on will bankrupt the nation. President Obama's criticism that
Americans "need to sacrifice" (while Uber-Liberals and corrupt Politicians live high
on the hog) is total BS. I'm already living a VERY Spartan lifestyle. There just
isn't much left to cut back on any more.
10% unemployment will continue, if not get worse, as America continues to bleed
jobs and outsource to Third World Countries. $5 per gallon gas prices are right
around the corner. Home values are unlikely to recover for many years and
medical expenses will continue to skyrocket in spite of "Obamacare". A great
many people over 50 will be forced into unwilling retirement, unable to find
even minimum wage jobs. Undaunted, Federal, State, City and local Government
continue to raise taxes and fees.... God forbid that a lack of money should ever
deter their socialistic agendas!
And all the while, President Obama will be touting what a wonderful job he's
been doing while stumping for re-election so that he can continue destroying America
for another 4 years. I'm definitely glad I am not Cohen's age. I can't even
imagine what life in America will be like while he's growing up.
So...... rather than whine about things I have no power to do anything about, and
rather than just curling up in a ball to die, I plan to go out with style. I have
some nice rides and hikes planned for 2011. God willing and the creek don't rise
I'll continue posting pictures of my/our exploits. And if I get any warning at
all, I'll be paying off my web hosting bill waaaaaay in advance so that this stuff
will be available for viewing long after I am out of my misery.
Stay tuned and keep the faith. Maybe a miracle will happen in November, 2012..
Ride to Aldrich Butte and hike to the summit
Explore the Crown-Zellerbach logging trail