P.O. Box 91216
Portland, Oregon U.S.A. 97291-0216
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Network Operations Center NOC. I have over
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Yes, I do emergency, occasional and long term remote UNIX systems
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full time UNIX Administrator or need some occasional very senior backup
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Network Administration and Engineering : Filling in for key
UNIX/Microsoft server Systems Administrators or Network
Engineers who have left your company until a full time replacement can be
recruited is a specialty.
To Hiring Managers: An incompetent or inexperienced Tech can do a lot of
damage real fast with root authority on your servers. And I've long since
lost track of how many "Network Engineers" I've met who don't know the
difference between UDP and TCP. Please take this into
consideration when comparing my resume skill set against others you may
receive. I was managing high SLA networks and production UNIX servers before
most of the other candidates you are hearing from were born. A "bargain"
rate isn't such a bargain if they can't keep the equipment running! Even
brief outages can be very expensive.
To Software Vendors/VARs:
I am always interested in new monitoring products and VARs who will offer my
clients good products, prices and services. I welcome inquiries from VARs,
integrators and software companies. However, I am not a VAR and have no
desire to become one. One of the major benefits of hiring me is that I have
no financial stake in product purchase decisions. I recommend what is best
for my client, not the product that will net me the biggest commission.
Have a NOC Design or deployment project in mind?: Pretty much anyone
can open up the shrink wrap on
new sofware and install it. But building a proactive, responsive,
professional grade Network Operations Center is a lot more than just
installing software! Most high end monitoring products do very little
"out of the box". Designing a NOC involves gathering requirements,
deciding what software to purchase,
negotiating and creating a design specification, establishing a
methodology, policies and procedures as well as a whole lot of training.
Have a look at some of the less obvious
NOC design considerations for
more insight into just how complicated this process can be. There are
only a handful of professional NOC Architects Worldwide and I believe I
am the only
NOC Architect in the whole wide world who works with more than one
monitoring product. And I offer my services for a lot less than what
VARs and Vendor professional services folks charge. Even a very modest
250 server NOC can easily run $500,000 in software alone. It only makes
sense to protect that investment by hiring someone who actually knows
what they are doing to build your NOC. If minimizing your project's risk is
important to you, you need to be talking to me.
My work ethic:
I am an "old school" Engineer who believes that the job comes first.
My sole motivation, admittedly for selfish reasons, is to make you, the
hiring Manager, look good. Why? Because if I do a great job and make you
look good, you will be much more likely to want to hire me again and to
recommend me to your friends and associates. It is my primary goal
to make sure that nothing happens to make you regret your decision to
hire me.
Foreign "Consultants":
Lately, there has been a proliferation of so-called "consulting
companies" from India and other third-world nations saturating the U.S.
NOC market. Oddly enough, most CHARGE A LOT MORE, only to outsource your
operations to someplace like Bangalore, where semi-skilled laborers earn a
meager wage. Don't be fooled by flashy, professional-looking web sites,
a U.S. PMB address, or a USA VolP phone number that goes straight to someone
with an American-sounding name, like "Travis or Bridgett", who
mysteriously has a third-world country accent. I am proud to be a U.S.
Citizen and a U.S. Military Veteran who was building professional-grade NOCs
before most of these "consultants" knew what a flush toilet is.
Please see my Resume for more details of my education and experience.
45+ Years of electronics, broadcast radio and computer engineering experience
35+ Years of IT (MIS, IS, etc.) and Field Engineering systems engineering experience
30+ Years of project and program management experience
28+ Years of network engineering experience
27+ Years of Remote Diagnostic and Network Operations Center NOC design
25+ Years of production environment UNIX Systems Administration experience
25+ Years of headcount, budgetary and P&L management experience
Clark College Cisco CCNA Networking Adjunct Teacher, Vancouver, WA
Executive Director, BikePAC of Oregon
State Legislative Director and life member, ABATE of Oregon
Washington County Legislative Director, ABATE of Oregon
2004 DPO Candidate for District 33 Oregon House of Representatives
Washington County DPO Precinct Committee Person
Founding Officer, Mass. Modified Motorcycle Association
State of Oregon Law Enforcement DPSST Training Volunteer
IPSC and RSO Certified Member, Tri-County Gun Club, Sherwood, Oregon
Range Safety Officer, Nashoba Sportsman's Club, Acton, MA.
Chapter Coordinator, Legislative Director, ABATE of N.H.
President Twin State Amateur Radio Club (W1FN) Lebanon, N.H.
Volunteer Instructor, Vermont adult evening education program, W.R.J,
Volunteer Engineer and Host, Vermont Public Radio (WVPR) Windsor,
Radio Personality, Top of the Hop show, WFRD/WDCR, Hanover, N.H.
Radio Personality, Engineer WMEX Boston, Ma
Intern, Engineer, Radio Personality, WILD Roxbury, Ma
Honorable discharge, US Navy, 1968
BSEE, Northeastern University, Boston, Ma. 1972
FCC Amateur extra radio license
FCC first class radiotelephone license with broadcast endorsement
FCC second class radiotelegraph license
National Rifle Association (NRA) Certified Chief Range Safety Officer
National Rifle Association (NRA) Certified Instructor
American Red Cross CPR/AED and First aid certifications
State of Oregon Law Enforcement DPSST Training Volunteer
Member, Association of Field Service Managers
Member, Oregon Computer Consultants Association
Member, Software Association of Oregon
Member, Society of Information Managers
BMC Software Channel Partner
Sun iForce Partner
Network General Network Specialist Certification
Network General Certified Network Expert (CNX)
Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP)
HP Openview Accredited System Engineer, ITRC Graduate
Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE)
Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE)
Sun Certified Systems Administrator
Novell Enterprise Certified Netware Engineer (ECNE)
Certified Banyan Specialist (CBS)
Microsoft Site Builder Level Two Certification
Openview Operations for UNIX (HP OMU) 8.3
Glance/Glance plus Perfview
Network Node Manager Advanced Edition v7.53
Network Node Manager (NNM) 7.53
Service Activator (OVSI)
Performance Insight (OVPI)
Openview Dashboard
HP/UX 11.x
OpenVMS ProLiant PA-RISC AlphaServer
Insight Manager
Sun iForce Service Provider Partner
SunOS and Solaris 3.51 - Solaris 10
Solaris 10
Zeta File System (ZFS)
Checkpoint FW-1 SunNet Manager
SunONE Solstice
Enterprise Manager NIS+ SunOS
(Build and Administer, not just a User)
3-tier Architectures Load Balancers
Apache 2.0.55 PHP 4.4.1 Tomcat 5.5
Zimbra Squirrelmail 1.4.5 Qpopper 4.0.5
Mandriva (Mandrake) 10.1 SuSe 9.x
Redhat AS 4.0 RHEL4
Debian CentOS 4.1 Dynix SGI IRIX
Netscape Server Cobalt RaQ
Linux 2.6 DNS Bind 9.2.4
Sendmail 8.13 Postfix 2.1 Squid 2.5
Clamav Milter MIMEdefang Spamassassin
Request Tracker (RT) 3.6
AIX 5L v5.3
RS6000 P5 Series
Tivoli Netview SNA3270
8250/60 6611 Lotus
Notes Domino
IBM Director
FrontOffice BackOffice
Microsoft Server NT3.51 NT4.0 2000 2003
Microsoft Exchange 5.0 5.5 2000 2003
Microsoft Windows XP Professional
Active Directory
SMS Server MOM Server SQL Server
PIX 6.3.4 Catalyst Switches Routers
IOS 12.0 Ciscoworks Campus Manager
Ciscoview 6.1
Nortel Optivity Campus Manager
Optivity Enterprise Network Management System 10.4
BayStack Hubs/Switches
Netware Groupwise
SuSe 9.x
EXTRA! Client/Gateways
NetIQ AppManager
Digital Equipment
Corp (Now Compaq)
BMC Software Service Provider Partner
Patrol v3.6 Patrol Central v7.3 Patrol Express
Distributed Sniffers
Mysql 4.1.15
NT SQL 2K Oracle 8.1.7
MS Access 2K
Checkpoint FW-1 Firewall Cisco PIX
Jupiter Netscreen
Radius Nessus Nokia
Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS)
Virus attacks Denial of Service (DoS) Port
Scans Brute Force
Firewalls ACLs IPSec
Sun Solstice SunNet Enterprise Manager
HP Openview Operations 8.3
Network Node Manager Advanced Edition v7.53
Network Node Manager NNM 7.53
Computer Associates CA Unicenter BMC
Patrol Enterprise Manager PEM IBM Tivoli Netview
Nagios OpenNMS Optivity Ciscoworks 6.1
Concord eHealth
Cricket 1.0.4 MRTG 2.14.5
Quest Foglight Big Brother
SmokePing 2.0.9
NetScout nGenius
Micromuse Netcool
Mercury Sitescope SNMP MIBs RMON SPIs KMs
C C++ Pascal Perl Bourne
Veritas Amanda
Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM)
X.25 IPX/SPX Frame Relay
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